Friday, March 31, 2006

• Man flogs wife's box on eBay 

(Posted by TwiddlyBits)
Running around like crazy, but wanted to take a moment to post this link!


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

• Did I Mention? 

(Posted by TwiddlyBits)
Did I mention that Dangly made a paddle this past summer?

Yep, we bought a piece of wood from the hardware store, then he sawed it into an appropriate shape, then sanded it smooth (we actually bought an electric sander specifically for this purpose).

Here's a pic taken immediately after the first time we used it!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

• Hey, Is This Thing Still On? 

(Posted by TwiddlyBits)
*blows into the microphone*

*sneezes as dust flies*

Hey, is this thing still on?

Yes, we've been away for a while, haven't we? Things just got exceptionally busy here at the end of August. Some of you know that we haven't been gone completely - we've been leaving comments here & there and conversing via email with some others - but it's been a real struggle to keep our heads above water IRL, so there was no time left over for blogging.

However, there is light at the end of the tunnel now & we're hoping it isn't a train!

What have we been up to? Oh, too much to mention - I spent a month in Asia, Dangly has been sick a couple of times, and other such mundane things having to do with everyday life.

I will say that we've got a full social calendar lined up for the next few months! *) We'll have a male friend over this coming weekend for what looks to be a very nice three-way. He's planning to come back in May, too.
*) Another male friend, this one kinky, is planning to come down for a visit in June.
*) Plus, a couple that we've played with before is going to be staying with us for a few days in July.
We are very much looking forward to all of these visits!!

I owe some stories to you, too. I had some play-time with F back in August that I promised to tell you about. I also promised to tell you about my first supension at Monk's birthday party, also back in August. I got suspended a second time by Griffin at the Folsom Street Fair in September, then we had brunch with Griffin & Liss in November.

Will we be posting every day? Probably not - life is still hectic, but I've really missed blogging. I would like to post at least once a week - hopefully more - but that's a good place to start.

I know that links to this blog have been dropped from some blogrolls out there - that's only fair. My own rule was that I dropped a blog from my roll if it hadn't been updated in a month; how can I complain if others have similar rules? (That reminds me: I have to update my blogroll, too!)

Anyway, we're alive and well & hope to be back in the swing of things soon!

Until later...